PassMark BurnInTest for Linux ARM - What's New?

version 5
version 4

Version 5.0 build 1013 - 26 June 2024

  • Advanced Network Test, fixed test not retrying to bind server socket
  • Fixed some drives not being detected for machines with more than 10 nvme drives
  • Fixed USB End Marker incorrectly being displayed as a test being run when using cmd line version

Version 5.0 build 1012 - 30 May 2024

  • Help, Added chromium-browser to the list of browsers to try to open if there is no default browser set in the environment variable BROWSER
  • Management Console, Fixed possible issue connecting to console if machine has many components
  • Temperature, Fixed possible pipe not being closed properly if temperature info was not found

Version 5.0 build 1011 - 19 April 2024

  • 2D Graphics, Fixed issue where video memory test failed to start due to incorrect parameters
  • Management console, Fixed crash when connecting a machine with many components (especially drives)
  • Management console, Increased number of system information lines sent to a max of 64
  • Temperature, Added possible support for drive temps connected to a HBA

Version 5.0 build 1010 - 3 April 2024

  • Temperature, Fixed issue where temperatures for newer AMD CPUs were not being displayed
  • USB, Fixed High Speed option taking too run when using USB3 plug
  • Fixed issue where USB & network tests did not stop when using cycle count to stop test run
  • Fixed issue setting report information fields for command line version

Version 5.0 build 1009 - 26 March 2024

  • Disk, Fixed issue where disk test location was using Firefox dictionary mount location on Ubuntu 22.04
  • Temperature, Fixed issue where disk temperatures were not being processed properly
  • Fixed possible crash when launching BITLinux on machine with a Non-VGA unclassified device

Version 5.0 build 1008 - 9 November 2023

  • Fixed issue when cycles to stop testing did not work when Temperature test was running
  • Fixed issue where cycle count did not display on interim result reports
  • Fixed disconnected drives still appearing in preferences disk tab

Version 5.0 build 1007 - 24 October 2023

  • Advanced Network Test, Added error if no NICs are select for testing
  • Disk, Generating an error if 'Input/Output error' occurs when running CD/DVD/BD test
  • Disk, Fixed issue where no error was displayed when disk is removed during the CD test
  • Scripting, Fixed issue where EXIT command was not closing BIT after testing

Version 5.0 build 1006 - 3 July 2023

  • Sound test, prevent a possible infinite loop
  • Fix bug where 'exceeded max CPU limit' is always considered an error even when set as 'information/none'
  • Preferences, fixed crash after running endpoint check test and closing before finish
  • Preferences, fixed issue in Network tab where Standard/Advanced network test selection was not updating
  • Advanced network test, fixed bug where settings were not saved/updated properly
  • Advanced network test, fixed issue where test could not connect to Endpoints
  • Advanced network test, fixed issue where test was still communicating to Endpoints after overall testing has stopped
  • Advanced network test, fixed bug where test was enabled after closing preferences window
  • Updated help file to include adv network test details
  • Updated older help pages to reflect current version of BIT Linux

Version 5.0 build 1005 - 17 April 2023

  • Plugins, fixed compiling of example plugin due to obsolete status values
  • Logging, Added plugin name to log files (using OUT_szWindowTitle)
  • Logging, added temperature output to log files (when temperature test is selected to run)
  • Fixed an issue where GPU memory test would not start if path had spaces
  • Added logging in situations where memtest executable does not exist
  • Added some missing help pages (temperature, battery, 2D graphics, acknowledgments)

Version 5.0 build 1004 - 31 March 2023

  • Fixed crash when trying to gather CPU information
  • Changed trace filename to match log file while using LogPrefix
  • Fixed issue where low memory error was logged even went set to information/none
  • Fixed 'no operations reported in timeout period'error caused by checking status after test completion
  • Increased max cpu-math threads to 1024 from 16

Version 5.0 build 1003 - 3 January 2023

  • Fixed temperature error being logged in command line version even when temperature test was turned off
  • Fixed an issue where commenting out the the section in the command line config wasn't turning off the temperature test
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when not using the AutoSelectSensors option in the command line config and a manually entered sensor was not found
  • Fixed a potential issue where the 3D test could stop redrawing

Version 5.0 build 1002 - 2 December 2022

  • Management console, added more system information sent at connection time (RAM details, HDD details, Battery)
  • Fixed an issue where no video card information was displayed on systems with more than one card
  • Fixed system summary showing RAM details as MB instead of GB in some cases
  • Command line version, added version number to header
  • Command line version, improved error message when registration failed when using a key.dat file

Version 5.0 build 1001 - 11 November 2022

  • Fixed a crash at startup when collecting system information if "pvs" tool was missing

Version 5.0 build 1000 - 7 November 2022

  • *New* Advanced network test and endpoint utility
  • *New* Updated RAM test based on Windows version that uses a separate executable (up to 4 instances) for testing. This greatly increases testing speed, will allow better management of the amount of RAM under test and hopefully avoiding triggering the OOM killer on some Linux distributions where it is overly aggressive
  • *New* Battery Test, added battery information collection and test
  • *New* Battery graph tab, added battery charge/discharge graph (requires QtCharts to be installed)
  • *New* Temperature Test, check selected temperature sensors don't exceed set thresholds
  • *New* Temperature graph tab, added temperature sensors graph (requires QtCharts, lm-sensors (CPU temps), hddtemp or smartctl (HDD temps) to be installed)
  • *New* Added watchdog thread that checks each test operations count is increaing and will log a "No operations" error if the operations count stops increasing
  • 3D test, changed to be based on QOpenGLWidget/QOpenGLFunctions that allows the 3D test to be used on both OpenGL and OpenGl-ES systems and removes the dependency on the QT5OpenGL library
  • 2D Lines and bitmaps test, made the individual sub tets of the 2D test run a bit longer each cycle
  • Sound test, updated to use stereo audio instead of mono
  • Sound test, changed the underlying methods used for accessing the sound hardware to better support some Linux distributions
  • USB Test, added "Automatically select all" option, detected USB devices, USB3 speed choice & cycle options to configuration options
  • USB Test, added USB3 benchmark to start of USB3 test
  • USB Test, updated test window information displayed, simplified display of loopback, read and write benchmark values, added firmware info
  • Disk Test - added block size selection to preferences
  • Disk Test - Better btrfs support, new way to get used/free space for btrfs disks to try and prevent issues with disks reporting as full
  • Serial Test, changed RTS/DSR testing option to be two separate options
  • Serial Test, removed an extra sleep in the middle of a testing cycle that was slowing down higher baud speeds disproportionately
  • System info, fixed an issue where RAM was reported as MB instead of GB on some systems
  • Management console, added session and result IDs to log and status message on successful connection. Also checks for errors on status/result message updates
  • Plugins, fixed plugin reporting the wrong error string for a no operations error ("General instruction operation verification failed" was being reported)
  • Scripting, added SETSERIALPORTS command for setting serial port test via scripting
  • PC test kit build, when running in debug mode will now place log at /mnt/pctestkitusb/debug.log instead of working directory

Version 5.0 RC3 - 16 Sept 2022

  • Release candidate 3 of the new V5 branch. See Build 1000 release above for details.

Version 4.1 build 1000 - 21 October 2020

  • Inital release of BurnInTest Linux for ARM CPUs based on BurnInTest Linux x86 v4.1